Wednesday, March 20, 2013

C25K: Week 2, Day 3

Whatever happened to "Day 2" go, you ask? Mwah-ha-ha! I will tell you. Week 2, Day 2 was "relax" day, and I did that with flying colors. :) I mean, I meant to go to the gym yesterday... but could justify holding down the couch thanks to the "Couch to 5K" instructions. It felt good. It's been pretty busy/stressful at work so I was happy to have some down time.

Week 2, Day 3
Walk: 5 minutes
Jog: 4 minutes
Walk: 5 minutes
 I forgot to grab today's post-it, but was able to remember 5/4/5. I'm smart like that. 

... and then I walked for another 47 minutes. Yes, I'm proud of myself.

Some more details about today's workout. At my gym each of the cardio machines has its own television. During the first 5 minutes of my walk, I turned the TV on and planned on flipping through to find something to good watch. But when I tuned in, Spike TV's "The World's Wildest Police Videos" came on screen. Clearly, I am not the target audience, but it was surprisingly good stuff to watch while jogging and walking briskly (I also enjoy watching "The Walking Dead" while working out. Or anytime, really). Also that show reminded me how many wild stupid crazies there are out there.

Another fun anecdote from my workout. There was a very toned and active-looking guy on a treadmill behind me. Well, he must have either lost is stride or tripped or tried sprinting too fast, but in any case, he made a loud stomping noise and fell off the treadmill. I turned around just in time to see him slide off the rear of the treadmill. I didn't know if I should laugh or rush over there to see if he was okay, but he popped up pretty quickly and gave a thumb's up that he was fine. It sort of reminded me of watching people two- or three-times his size faint and fall off treadmills on "The Biggest Loser." It made me glad it wasn't me who fell off, and glad to see it happens to slender people, too.


  1. We did it! Anwar Ibrahim's(Prime Minister candidate) website down and hacked!!

  2. Man!! Thats cheap... How could you hack Anwar Ibrahim's website
